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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Desert Oasis High School ELA Teacher07/24/2024Secondary CertifiedDESERT OASIS HIGH SCHOOLApply
Othello Digital Learning Teacher 7-1207/12/2024Secondary CertifiedOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
World Language Teacher (Spanish - .5 FTE)07/08/2024Secondary CertifiedOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
Agriculture High School Teacher (CTE)07/03/2024Secondary CertifiedOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
Warehouse, Food Delivery07/01/2024Food ServiceOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
TK Paraprofessional Bilingual Spanish Required06/17/2024SupportEARLY CHILDHOOD CENTERApply
Paraprofessional Bilingual Spanish Required06/17/2024SupportDESERT OASIS HIGH SCHOOLApply
Special Education Paraprofessional06/17/2024SupportOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
Paraprofessional06/17/2024SupportMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
OHS Boys Gollf Assistant Coach06/13/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
MMS Girls Basketball Assistant Coach06/12/2024CoachingMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
OHS Softball Assistant Coach06/10/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
MMS Girls Wrestling Assistant Coach06/10/2024CoachingMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
Special Education Teacher (Othello High School)06/07/2024Secondary CertifiedOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
OHS Unified Head Basketball Coach06/04/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
OHS Boys Basketball Head Coach05/29/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
MMS Boys Wrestling Head Coach05/14/2024CoachingMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MMS Volleyball Assistant Coach05/10/2024CoachingMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MMS Girls Basketball Head Coach05/10/2024CoachingMCFARLAND MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
24-25 Substitute Teacher/Emergency Substitute Teacher05/07/2024SubstituteOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
OHS Girls Golf Assistant Coach (.5)04/30/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply
24-25 Substitute Bus Driver04/30/2024SubstituteOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
24-25 Substitute Custodian04/30/2024SubstituteOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
24-25 Substitute Bus Monitor04/30/2024SubstituteTRANSPORTATIONApply
24-25 Substitute Kitchen Assistant04/30/2024SubstituteOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
24-25 Bus Driver Route04/30/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
24-25 Substitute Paraprofessional04/30/2024SubstituteOTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICEApply
OHS Volleyball Assistant Coach04/18/2024CoachingOTHELLO HIGH SCHOOLApply